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Tuesdays, April 1 - June 3 • 6:30-8pm

The Science: Danger! Danger! Don’t Get Any On Ya!

This workshop will prepare medical interpreters to work in medical settings while remaining safe and avoiding infection exposure. Concepts taught during this session include: infectious diseases, PPE (personal protection equipment), contact precautions, droplet precaution, airborne precautions, interpreting in the operating room including specific instruction on the sterile field, bioterrorism and suggested vaccinations. *UPDATED TO INCLUDE COVID-19

Medical Interpreting – The Process: Are They Really Letting Me Do This Unsupervised?

This workshop will break down the interpreting process from start to finish in a medical interpreting assignment. Highlight topics: assignment preparation, what to do upon arrival, specific tips and best practice for working in a doctor’s office vs a hospital setting, the art of “giving report” to the next interpreter at the hand-off, HIPAA considerations for interpreters, Universal Codes, and Informed Consent.

Transforming the Miranda Warning

We are all familiar with the Miranda Warning. We’ve seen it issued on countless TV shows and movies, but do we really understand it? The concepts can seem simple on the surface, but do we understand them on a deep enough level to produce an ASL equivalent that affords Deaf people the opportunity to knowingly exercise or waive their rights?
This workshop will break down the principles of the Miranda Warning in a methodical way that will leave participants with options on how to interpret the Miranda Warning depending on the client. Additional topics to be discussed: When does the Miranda Warning have to be given, when can the police question someone without Mirandizing them, what are best practices when staffing assignments involving the police and what are the risks of interpreting for the police.

Tax & Business Focus: I Owe a Lot of Taxes… Why Does This Happen and What Can I Do About it?

Are you confused about why you owe a lot of taxes when you file? Are you currently sitting on a huge tax bill that you don’t know how to handle? Taxes can be an extremely stressful experience for freelance interpreters, especially if you are blindsided year after year with a large tax bill that you’re unprepared for.

This webinar will explain various payment options that are available if you find yourself with a large tax bill that you can’t afford. It will also teach you how to avoid owing large balances in the future by ensuring correct estimated taxes and withholdings are paid throughout the year.

In addition, we will examine several real-life scenarios to help interpreters apply the concepts taught and gain an idea of how they can apply them to their own unique situations.

Navigating Jury Duty

This workshop is designed to equip interpreters with the tools they need to navigate the elements of jury duty. In three short hours will discuss the Voir Dire process that transpires during jury selection, how to handle sidebars, the significance of courtroom positioning and how it affects the interpreter’s visibility and access to both the deaf client and the legal teams.

In addition, we will review the deliberation process and the interpreter’s role during this critical phase of selection, and finally, the intricacies of interpreting the instructions to the jury. Participants will leave the workshop armed with techniques necessary to convey precise language, maintain the appropriate tone, and handle challenging legal terminology.

The Arraignment Process

The arraignment is the most common legal proceeding you will encounter as a legal interpreter.

Arraignment quite often means interpreting the Guilty Plea Litany – a highly complex linguistic hurtle for Deaf litigants. Interpreters planning to do legal work must have a strong understanding of the Guilty Plea Litany and have many strategies to customize their interpretation to best suit each client.

In this course you will learn procedural steps of an arraignment with emphasis on the Guilty Plea Litany. Participants will begin text analysis of the Guilty Plea Litany and practice interpreting each element.

Staffing Legal Assignments

Are you interested in legal interpreting but don’t know where to start? Are you an assignment coordinator but not sure who and how many interpreters to send to court? Take this course!

You will be introduced to the roles and responsibilities of the proceedings interpreter vs. interpreter for counsel vs. investigative interpreter. It is vital that any interpreter planning on taking legal assignments is well versed in these concepts in order to follow best practices in legal interpreting that have been set nationally.

Interpreters curious about legal interpreting, new to legal interpreting, responsible for scheduling legal interpreters… this workshop is perfect for you!

Tax & Business Focus: Unpacking the Decision to Become an LLC as a Freelance Interpreter

This workshop will reveal the answers to the most common questions interpreters ask about LLCs, including: Do I need an LLC? How do I form an LLC? What is liability insurance? Does an LLC provide tax savings? What is an EIN? How are sole proprietorships and S Corps different? In addition, we will examine several real-life scenarios to help interpreters evaluate whether an LLC is right for them.

Tax & Business Focus: How to Maximize Business and Personal Deductions for Anyone Filing Their Own Taxes

Prevent tax saving opportunities from falling through the cracks while self-filing! Explore how to reduce your taxable income through maximizing both business (including business phone, home office and auto expenses) and personal deductions. In addition, discover where these deductions are reported on your tax return to ensure accuracy before filing and easily calculate an estimate of your tax liability.

Information presented in this workshop is applicable for 2024 tax year.

Tax & Business Focus: Tax Mistakes All Interpreters Need To Avoid

Learn the difference between 1099 and W2 income, understand income tax brackets, deep dive into a comprehensive list of business deductions and record-keeping software, explore LLCs and liability insurance, and learn how to pay quarterly estimated taxes.

Information presented in this workshop is applicable for 2021 tax year.

This workshop is a pre-recorded webinar.

Fingerspelling: Volume 2

In this series, interpreters will develop and improve receptive fingerspelling skills and numbers. Fingerspelling will be developed with an emphasis on understanding familiar words in everyday situations.

This series is designed to be a daily practice for the interpreter to spend 10-15 minutes on daily with an extended session on Friday’s, which include a reflective guided journal entry.

Note: Volume 1 is not a prerequisite for Volume 2.

Deaf Storytelling Focus: Volume 2

In this series, interpreters will explore, analyze and demonstrate comprehension of detailed information on a variety of topics as presented by Deaf storytellers. Interpreters will demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex narrative as the series develops including complex grammatical structures, topic shifts, retelling and construct language.

Deaf Storytelling Focus: Volume 1

In this series, interpreters will explore, analyze and demonstrate comprehension of detailed information on a variety of topics as presented by Deaf storytellers. Interpreters will demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex narrative as the series develops including complex grammatical structures, topic shifts, retelling and construct language.

Academic Focus: Volume 2

In this series, interpreters will explore, analyze and demonstrate comprehension of academic information, presented in ASL, on a variety of topics commonly seen in educational settings. Interpreters will demonstrate ability to analyze, prepare for and interpret a broad range of academic topics.

Social Studies

During this course you will predict paralinguistic demands each signed text will introduce based on topic. Meet a native signer who explains various topics related to social studies in sign language. Analyze the signing content for a variety of ASL features including use of space, non-manual markers, compare/contrast, and fingerspelling. Demonstrate an ability to identify such ASL features and explain their usefulness in enhancing an educational lesson. Identify specific fingerspelled words, non-manuals, or other signs embedded in the text. Explain the value of viewing specific educational topics to general educational interpreting and demonstrate application of one topic to another. Reflect upon suggested “just for yourself” activities which are not graded for CEUs but can lead to improvement in other interpreting skill sets.

Life Sciences: Volume 2

During this course you will predict paralinguistic demands each signed text will introduce based on topic. Meet a native ASL user who explains various topics related to Life Sciences in American Sign Language. Analyze the signing content for a variety of ASL features including listing, personification, non-manual markers, compare/contrast, and mouth morphemes. Demonstrate an ability to identify such ASL features and explain their usefulness in enhancing an educational lesson. Identify specific fingerspelled words, non-manuals, or other signs embedded in the text. Explain the value of viewing specific educational topics to general educational interpreting and demonstrate application of one topic to another. Translate ASL text to English gloss and effective ASL-to-English interpretation. Reflect upon suggested “just for yourself” activities which are not graded for CEUs but can lead to improvement in other interpreting skill sets.

Life Sciences: Volume 1

During this course you will predict paralinguistic demands each signed text will introduce based on topic. Meet a native ASL user who explains various topics related to Life Sciences in American Sign Language. Analyze the signing content for a variety of ASL features including listing, personification, non-manual markers, compare/contrast, and mouth morphemes. Demonstrate an ability to identify such ASL features and explain their usefulness in enhancing an educational lesson. Identify specific fingerspelled words, non-manuals, or other signs embedded in the text. Explain the value of viewing specific educational topics to general educational interpreting and demonstrate application of one topic to another. Translate ASL text to English gloss and effective ASL-to-English interpretation. Reflect upon suggested “just for yourself” activities which are not graded for CEUs but can lead to improvement in other interpreting skill sets.

The Foundations of Mathematics: Volume 2

During this course you will meet a native ASL user who explains various topics related to basic math concepts of fractions, percentages and decimals in American Sign Language. Analyze the signing content for a variety of ASL features including utterance boundaries, location, non-manual markers, compare/contrast, and movement. Demonstrate an ability to identify such ASL features and explain their usefulness in enhancing an educational lesson. Identify specific fingerspelled words, non-manuals, or other signs embedded in the text. Explain the value of viewing specific educational topics to general educational interpreting and demonstrate application of one topic to another. Translate ASL text to English gloss and effective ASL-to-English interpretation. Reflect upon suggested “just for yourself” activities which are not graded for CEUs but can lead to improvement in other interpreting skill sets.

The Foundations of Mathematics: Volume 1

During this course you will predict paralinguistic demands signed text will introduce based on topic. Meet a native ASL user who explains various topics related to basic math concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in American Sign Language. Analyze the signing content for a variety of ASL features including utterance boundaries, location, non-manual markers, compare/contrast, and movement. Demonstrate an ability to identify such ASL features and explain their usefulness in enhancing an educational lesson. Identify specific fingerspelled words, non-manuals, or other signs embedded in the text. Explain the value of viewing specific educational topics to general educational interpreting and demonstrate application of one topic to another. Translate ASL text to English gloss and effective ASL-to-English interpretation. Reflect upon suggested “just for yourself” activities which are not graded for CEUs but can lead to improvement in other interpreting skill sets.


During this course you will predict paralinguistic demands each signed text will introduce based on topic. Meet a native signer math teacher of the Deaf who explains various topics related to Geometry in sign language. Analyze the signing content for a variety of ASL features including use of space, non-manual markers, compare/contrast, and fingerspelling. Demonstrate an ability to identify such ASL features and explain their usefulness in enhancing an educational lesson. Identify specific fingerspelled words, non-manuals, or other signs embedded in the text. Explain the value of viewing specific educational topics to general educational interpreting and demonstrate application of one topic to another. Reflect upon suggested “just for yourself” activities which are not graded for CEUs but can lead to improvement in other interpreting skill sets.


During this course you will meet a native ASL user math teacher of the deaf who explains various topics related to basic algebraic concepts in American Sign Language. Analyze the signing content for a variety of ASL features including utterance boundaries, location, non-manual markers, compare/contrast, and movement. Demonstrate an ability to identify such ASL features and explain their usefulness in enhancing an educational lesson. Identify specific fingerspelled words, non-manuals, or other signs embedded in the text. Explain the value of viewing specific educational topics to general educational interpreting and demonstrate application of one topic to another. Translate ASL text to English gloss and effective ASL-to-English interpretation. Reflect upon suggested “just for yourself” activities which are not graded for CEUs but can lead to improvement in other interpreting skill sets.

Medical Procedures: Volume 2

Explore the human body with Nigel Howard, who leads you through various Medical Procedures such as: Lab Tests, MRI, and PET scans.

Medical Procedures: Volume 1

Explore the human body with Nigel Howard, who leads you through various Medical Procedures such as: Angioplasty, Bronchoscopy, Colonoscopy, and CT Scans.

The Digestive System: Volume 3

Explore the human body with Nigel Howard, who leads you through the Digestive System, Lactose Intolerance, Appendicitis, Chron’s Disease, and Stomach Ulcers.

The Digestive System: Volume 2

Explore the human body with Nigel Howard, who leads you through the Digestive System, Hernias, Indigestion, Irritated Bowel Syndrome, and Diarrhea.

The Digestive System: Volume 1

Explore the human body with Nigel Howard, who leads you through the Digestive System, Acid Reflux, and Gastrioparesis.

The Reproductive System: Volume 2

Explore the human body with Nigel Howard, who leads you through the Female and Male Reproductive Systems, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, and a second Deaf patient case study.

The Reproductive System: Volume 1

Explore the human body with Nigel Howard, who leads you through the Female and Male Reproductive System, Cervical Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, and a Deaf Patient Case Study.

The Cardiovascular System: Volume 3

Explore the human body with Nigel Howard, who leads you through the Cardiovascular system, and high blood pressure.

The Cardiovascular System: Volume 2

Explore the human body with Nigel Howard, who leads you through the Cardiovascular system, Coronary Artery Disease, Peripheral Volume Disease, Rheumatic Heart Disease and Cardiomyopathy.Explore the human body with Nigel Howard, who leads you through the Cardiovascular system, Coronary Artery Disease, Peripheral Volume Disease, Rheumatic Heart Disease and Cardiomyopathy.

The Cardiovascular System: Volume 1

Volume I includes the Cardiovascular System overview along with the topics, Angina, Aortic Aneurysm and Arrhythmia.

Interpreters begin with an assignment to research the diagnosis and demonstrate their understanding of the diagnosis and pathology in English by writing a narrative report of their research. Next the interpreter will observe the description of the diagnosis and its pathology in ASL, describe what they understand the system, function and dysfunction of the system to be, and then analyze the ASL description of the process to identify classifiers and key vocabulary related to the medical procedure.

The objective of this course is to expand the interpreter’s understanding of cardiovascular system pathology, body systems and provide model language that they can use when interpreting in healthcare settings to render more accurate and comprehensive interpretation of the medical conditions covered in this course.

Fingerspelling: Volume 1

In this series, interpreters will develop and improve receptive fingerspelling skills and numbers. Fingerspelling will be developed with an emphasis on understanding familiar words in everyday situations.

This series is designed to be a daily practice for the interpreter to spend 10-15 minutes on daily with an extended session on Friday’s, which include a reflective guided journal entry.

Note: Volume 1 is not a prerequisite for Volume 2.

Academic Focus: Volume 1

The Nervous System: Volume 2

Volume II covers; Additional Nervous System overview, Multiple Sclerosis and Tourettes Syndrome.

Interpreters begin with an assignment to research the diagnosis and demonstrate their understanding of the diagnosis and pathology in English by writing a narrative report of their research. Next the interpreter will observe the description of the diagnosis and its pathology in ASL, describe what they understand the system, function and dysfunction of the system to be, and then analyze the ASL description of the process to identify classifiers and key vocabulary related to the medical procedure.

The objective of this course is to expand the interpreter’s understanding of nervous system pathology, body systems and provide model language that they can use when interpreting in healthcare settings to render more accurate and comprehensive interpretation of the medical conditions covered in this course.

The Nervous System: Volume 1

Volume I includes the Nervous System overview along with the topics, Huntington’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Interpreters begin with an assignment to research the diagnosis and demonstrate their understanding of the diagnosis and pathology in English by writing a narrative report of their research. Next the interpreter will observe the description of the diagnosis and its pathology in ASL, describe what they understand the system, function and dysfunction of the system to be, and then analyze the ASL description of the process to identify classifiers and key vocabulary related to the medical procedure.

The objective of this course is to expand the interpreter’s understanding of nervous system pathology, body systems and provide model language that they can use when interpreting in healthcare settings to render more accurate and comprehensive interpretation of the medical conditions covered in this course.