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Tuesdays, April 1 - June 3 • 6:30-8pm

Emergency Services

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Vital Communication Interpretation Services
For The Unplanned & The Unexpected

Arkady Belozovsky's daily COVID-19 briefings Arkady Belozovsky's daily COVID-19 briefings

Our emergency interpreting services are available in any situation – from local emergency broadcasts and county & state briefings to national crises. Our large pool of Certified Deaf Interpreters (CDI) are trained for emergency situations and familiar with emergency management terminology.

Emergency Interpreting with Interpretek

All of our interpreting teams are composed of an on-screen CDI paired with an off-screen hearing interpreter, ensuring communication access for all Deaf and hard of hearing community members. Our interpreters are experienced, certified, and offer communication cohesion, creating equal communication opportunities for all. We believe that the ability to honor a person’s accommodation choice is critical and offer guidance to stay ADA compliant while meeting those needs.

Read what the Seminole County Emergency Management Team had to say
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We're Here For Unplanned Interpreting

We offer comprehensive consultations and guide all our clients through ADA compliance and equal communication requirements prior to crisis situations. Our careful management ensures that all parties are provided with accurate information in real time. See how we raise the bar in emergency service interpreting.

Knowledgeable in Disaster Relief

When a disaster strikes, it can be tempting to turn to a quick-fix like live captioning. While this solution is well-intentioned, it almost always falls short. Choose Interpretek, who can advise, support, and guide you throughout the process while keeping you compliant every step of the way.

Plan & Prepare Mentality

We realize that no one can plan for an emergency, but we believe in taking the guesswork out of who to contact when one strikes. Partner with Interpretek to develop an emergency response team disaster preparedness team. We understand state and federal guidelines around the entities responsible for emergency management and response for the Deaf and hard of hearing and can help mobilize resources in the event of a crisis. Our “plan & prepare” mentality is central to what we believe – that everyone must be informed of critical information during an emergency event.

Dedication to Our Work

While it may seem like a no brainer – we love the work that we do and deeply believe in the value it brings communities. We are committed to best practices and never compromise on our values. We not only understand and adhere to state and federal law, but also help educate our clients on accessible emergency management recommendations for Deaf and hard of hearing people. Include Interpretek in your emergency response disaster preparedness team before the crisis strikes.

Sarah Proper

Interpretek has been working with the New York State School for the Deaf for the past fifteen years as our sole provider for ASL Interpreters. Their knowledge and expertise in K12 interpreting has aided in our school’s day to day educational programming. They are not only professional but also easy to work with.

Sarah Proper Office Assistant | New York State School for the Deaf

We Believe in Accurate Communication For All

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