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Tuesdays, April 1 - June 3 • 6:30-8pm

Sponsoring the Rochester Deaf Festival

Did you find us at the Rochester Deaf Festival?
Check out the fun we had with face painting, giveaways, and more!

This year Interpretek sponsored the 2022 Rochester Deaf Festival on Saturday, June 18! The festival takes place semiannually to unite the Deaf community and provide uplifting and inspiring events all day long.

The festival took place at Genesee Valley Park with food trucks, entertainment, and more. We setup our pop-up tent with giveaways, informational materials and face painting. Our Rochester coordinating team had a great time supporting the Deaf community. “It was so great to get together and see people we haven’t seen over the past few years!” said Michelle Brewer, Director of Interpreting Services for the Rochester office. We can’t wait for the next festival!

For more information on the Rochester Deaf Festival, check out their website at or like them on Facebook!

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